A year ago I came across a website dedicated to the photos of Jamie Livingston. He took a picture a day with a Polaroid camera from March 31, 1979 to October 25, 1997, the day of his death. It was so amazing to me to see this man’s life day by day, year by year. After his death his friends oraganized and posted the pictures for the world to see.
I was so inspired by this I decided to try it. For one year, I would take a picture a day with my iPhone, the camera I knew I would have with me all the time. Sometimes I would be inspried and shoot quite a few images a day, other times I could barely shoot one. I would then process the images on my phone with a app called Camera Bag. This would enhance the color or change it to black and white.
A year later my project is complete. I love what I have accomplished. It’s so fun to look back and remember places I have been or people I was with. I feel truly blessed to be able to create a little bit of art everyday. Everyday art with the places and things I would see everyday.
From the beginning, it was my intention to compile the project’s images into a book. The procceds from the sales of the book will go to San Francisco Bay Area youth and art programs. Please visit my other site for my info.